Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Time Has Come
I'm all out of excuses. We're not on vacation. I don't have house guests. It's just me, Booker and our rarely used Elmo potty. The kid needs to be potty trained and I need advice, tips, a detailed step-by-step guide, anything you've got. I'm totally clueless when it comes to potty training. I don't even know where to start so point me in the right direction. I'm sick of spending a small fortune in diapers each month. Plus, when your kid's old enough to thank you for wiping his penis, it's time to make him do it himself.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
My Best Cousin
My best cousin, Hannah is in town this week presenting a paper at the U of A. If you don't have a best cousin, then I feel sorry for you. And if you don't have a best cousin like Hannah then I really feel sorry for you. A best cousin (a term coined by Carly John, I believe) is your corresponding cousin- you know, same age and gender. Hannah is a month older than me and also female, therefore she is my best cousin. But she's more than just a best cousin to me- she's a best friend, a best former roommate, and a best jumper in mid-air for funny photographs. When we were in high school together, I always felt awkward referring to her as my cousin because really she was just my friend. Fast forward 8 years and we can still enjoy an episode of America's Next Top Model like no one else. It's been fun having her around and seeing her play with my boys. Forget about Linguistics at Berkeley, Hannah should come get a degree in Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Arizona. She can teach Booker how to say 1, 2, 3 JUMP in Arabic. More photos here.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Jump On It
Vacations are hard on little kids. Their routines suddenly change, you expect them to be on their best behavior for your friends and you make them sleep in strange places. Ever since Day 2 of our Spring Break, Booker has been asking to go back to Tucson. So after a week of doing everything we wanted him to do, we decided to reward him and take him to Jump On It. It's basically an old warehouse that is lined wall-to-wall with trampolines... and bouncy castles. I'm pretty sure if I lived in Utah Valley, I'd be here once a week (kids under 3 jump for free). So for all your Utahns out there, head on over to Jump On It in Lindon before someone sues them and they're forced to shut down. It's a TON of fun and every little kid's dream come true. I wish I could have captured the look on Booker's face when he realized that by "trampoline place" we meant TRAMPOLINE place. If he has any concept of heaven at this young age, I'm pretty sure it involves Jump On It. More photos of us Jumping On It here.
Cabin Fever
For some reason, these shots really crack me up. It's Dax. It's that determined look of his. And the fact that I couldn't get Booker and Addie to look at the camera to save my life, but Dax wouldn't take his eyes off me. It's a little unsettling, like he's about to kill someone with that snow shovel. Do you know what else is unsettling? The "smiles" Booker and Addie give you when you say cheese. Scary. More here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Lets go fly a kite
This is my sister flying a kite. It makes me happy for two reasons. First, these photos are straight out of the camera. It was that type of day. Blue skies and sunshine for miles and miles. But I could take or leave the blue skies and sunshine. What I really like seeing is my sister participating in such a wholesome activity. Notice that Booker is no where to be found. She's flying a kite for no one but herself and I like that.
(But you know what I don't like? Moldy clothes. Will someone please tell me how to get mold out of clothes. We had a barfing incident at a restaurant in Kanab on the drive up and now some of Booker's cutest clothes are spotted with pink and black mold because I rinsed them out, threw them in a plastic bag and forgot about them. I've washed them once and the mold is still there. Laundry experts, help me!)
Can you spot the Y?
Bridal Veil Falls
I've been filling my memory card up with photos faster than I can download them. So before these get lost on my desktop, I'll blog about the fun hike we had around Bridal Veil Falls the other day.
I always forget how beautiful and scenic the beehive state can be. When I lived in Provo, I couldn't wait to get out. Now, I love coming back and being surrounded by the mountains. And I love Utah in the spring. The weather is crazy. Sunny and hot one minute, freezing and snowing the next- which making getting dressed in the morning a fun little challenge. These past few days have been great though. In fact, my face is pretty sun burned from all the time I've spent outdoors lately. We successfully convinced David and Yaya to skip some classes (it wasn't hard) and they joined us up the canyon. I'm glad they did because I got some cute shots of them. To see more photos you can check out this slideshow. Up next, pictures of my sister flying a kite and why it makes me happy.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tueller Family Gathering
My family got together on Sunday for dinner and I was able to take some pictures of my grandparents. I wish I could get over my embarrassment when I'm taking photos. I was too shy and shot these from afar.
This is my grandma sitting in her favorite chair. When I think about blogging about something, I ask myself two questions- 1) will my dad enjoy it? and 2) will my grandma enjoy it?

This is my grandpa- Blaine. I love everything about my grandpa. Really, every little thing.

This is my grandpa- Blaine. I love everything about my grandpa. Really, every little thing.
Booker and my cousin Will. These two boys had fun together and I'm hoping they'll have more fun tomorrow while Clark and I are skiing. My aunt Marie is a brave woman for taking both my kids all day long. (That bust in the background is my dad at two years of age.)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Macnab Girls
If you want to see more photos of these beautiful girls (including some that actually show Brenley's face and not just her cute little legs), check out this slideshow.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Are You Happy?
A little bit of background:
Booker's favorite question right after "What are you doing?" is "Are you happy?" What he essentially means to ask is "Am I in trouble?" For example...
Booker, are you stinky?
You happy, dad?
Booker, did you squirt Ike in his eye with your squirt gun?
You happy, mom?
All day long we hear, "You happy?" And all day long we reply, "Yes, Booker. Are you happy?" And he ALWAYS says yes...
Get to the point already:
Today Clark came home during lunch so I could go to a chiropractic appointment. He took the boys for a walk and they went to our favorite spot- a sharp drop-off into a wash. We like to go there and throw rocks into the wash. This particular activity could keep Booker occupied for a good 45 minutes. I'm sorry I wasn't there because I missed this little exchange as dad and son threw rocks:
You happy, dad?
Yeah, Booker. I'm happy. Are you happy?
Long pause.
No. My back hurts. I need to go see a doctor.
Man, I love that kid. And also- man, its frightening how much he absorbs without me realizing it.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Biosphere 2
This is my Grandpa Gurney. He loves all things photography. When he called me a few days ago to let me know that he was coming to Tucson from Phoenix to visit the Biosphere, I was really excited. I've been wanting to visit the Biosphere ever since we moved to Tucson but couldn't muster up the same enthusiasm in Clark. So this morning I packed some lunches, sunscreened the boys and headed north to Oracle. I had no idea what I was getting into...

This is the rain forest. Booker got tired and laid down on the ground for a second. When he stood up he was covered in ants.

This was our group. My grandpa (in the wheelchair) and his two buddies from the camera club. Add myself, a toddler and an infant and we had quite the entourage. These were some of the nicest guys around (and amazing photographers), but not exactly kid conscious, if you know what I mean. I ended up simultaneously pushing a double stroller and a wheelchair, all while stopping to take shots of course.

We ran into this Back-hoe and Booker went nuts. The construction guys noticed him drooling over their machine and let him climb inside. Once again Booker ignored the activity at hand in favor of construction equipment.

So does anyone remember that awful Pauly Shore movie called Bio-Dome? I remember it well because I thought it was hilarious when I was 12 and watched it at every sleep-over I attended in middle school. It was based on the Biosphere!
The interior is full of lots of stairs, underground passages and small tunnels- in other words, it was not stroller friendly. I spent the entire 2 hour tour with a 15 pound infant strapped to my front, a 10 pound backpack strapped to my back and a camera hanging around my neck. I think I undid hundreds of dollars worth of chiropractic care in one afternoon.
This is the "beach." Initially, it was meant to replicate the ocean life of the Caribbean. Fast forward nearly 20 years and its deteriorated into something more along the lines of the coast of Baja California.
This is the rain forest. Booker got tired and laid down on the ground for a second. When he stood up he was covered in ants.
The two hour tour, while interesting, was about an hour and a half too long for me. Booker on the other hand was amazingly well-behaved. We were in a group of about 20 people (19 of which had to have been snowbirds). They must have missed their grandkids because they got pretty attached to Booker and Ike, patting heads, squeezing cheeks and even offering their jackets when we went through a wind tunnel. It was such a relief to me. When Booker disappeared for long periods of time, I wasn't worried at all.

The tour guide talked extensively about the the "failed social experiment" and the unfavorable living conditions for the 8 individuals who lived there for 2 years back in the early 90s. Lack of oxygen, food and ipods really took a toll on the scientists.

Did I mention how good this guy was? I was shocked. He even begged me to take him to the bathroom so he could pee in the potty. I was annoyed at the time but now I'm so proud. I rewarded him with a hamburger on the way home.

On the drive back home, this cow was hanging out right next to the road. I nearly wet my pants when I saw it. I had to stop and take a picture. I love seeing random "wildlife."

Monday, March 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Danny
This Saturday my brother Daniel is turning 17. I doubt he'll get the chance to see this little birthday photo montage but I have a feeling that Danny's loved ones might enjoy seeing some photos from his past. Apparently Danny is collecting chapsticks so if you feel like sending him a birthday package, throw some lip balm in the mail. And let this be a warning to anyone who is thinking about taking a walk on the wild side. Don't. Just don't. Because you'll end up with chapstick for your 17th birthday.
Anyways, on to better things. For the record, Daniel was the CUTEST little baby in the world. At least my seven-year-old self thought so when my mom finally brought him back from Utah (where he was born) to Kuwait (where we were living). He came out at 11 pounds (not sure of the ounces but I think in his case, ounces are important- mom/dad, ounces?) and was the fattest little bruiser you ever saw. He needed glasses as soon as he started walking (into walls) and they only multiplied his cute factor. Daniel and Christian are only a year and a half apart and as a result, they were close buddies growing up. I think this made me jealous and I picked on them both a lot. When I wasn't picking on Danny, I was trying to be his mother because I was that type of teenager.
Danny and I didn't really become close until a few years ago. I moved to Boston when he was 8 years old and I was 15. I witnessed a lot of his growing up from a distance, when I witnessed it all (I was kind of a self-absorbed teenager). In recent years, I've started to see him more as a person, as an equal and as a friend and less as my little brother. He makes me laugh like no one else. He can be charming and kind and creative and hilariously weird. In his short 17 years, he's experienced more than I will in a lifetime including these memorable moments:
- He was the first of my siblings to join me in the ranks of brown-eyed Tueller children. I loved him immediately.
- He let Marie and I use food coloring to die his "hair" (more like his scalp) when he was a baby.
- When we lived in London and Doha, Danny attended British schools. His little accent got so thick that sometimes he was hard to understand. Once he politely asked me to stop "taking the mickey."
- He became the center of an elaborate hoax when, during one of our annual State Department physicals, I convinced my mom that Daniel had rabies. I even got the nurses in on it. Boy, did my mom cry like a baby: "Sob sob. I have noticed that he's been foaming at the mouth lately..."
- He was baptized in the Persian Gulf. How cool is that? I thought being baptized in the school swimming pool was cool. I was wrong. Persian Gulf is way cooler.
- Hours after having my wisdom teeth removed, Danny told me that I looked fat and not just because my face was swollen. He was 10.
- When Danny pierced his ear, he wore the letter "t" as an earring (for Tueller, I presume). He refused to admit that his "t" earring was actually a cross.
- He painted his room purple.
- He survived a road trip from Arizona to Utah with me and an infant Booker. He was great company and an excellent DJ.
- He's dragged me to countless NA meetings, including one at 10:00 p.m. on a rainy night at a public park in the worst part of town.
Danny has definitely had his share of struggles and each one has made him resilient and compassionate and interesting and the kind of person I'd like to be around. I'm pretty confident that one day (maybe soon, maybe years from now), he's going to be an amazing young man. As soon as that happens, I'm buying him a one-way plane ticket to Arizona and giving him the title of "Official Babysitter of my boys/DJ of the Road Trips/That One Best Friend who Tells you Straight Up when You've Gained Weight."
Happy Birthday Daniel!
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