You see, what we thought was just a major outie belly button, is actually an umbilical hernia. It's usually harmless and should correct itself in a few years, but yowser! It's really weird looking.
And it pertrudes even more when he cries.
So Elise, what are YOU hiding... a third nipple? A vestigial tail? Or are you as perfect and adorable as your pictures suggest? I think I need to meet you in person and decide for myself.
I can give you any number of things- huge birthmark extending from her forehead to her nose, a wicked cowlick on her forehead hairline, the most intense baby acne I have ever seen, finger toes (long and skinny), mullet hair that we already know lasts until at least age 2 (just look at Sadie's hair)...that's all I can come up with off the top of my head.
Oh, and can we please please please see you soon? Are you coming up to visit your new niece? Maybe we'll have to come to Tucson since the high temp most days here is still below 60
Wow Margaret, you figured it out! You must be happy that it won't be like that forever.
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