Thursday, April 23, 2009

Things are looking up...

Our A.C is finally fixed and it's no longer 89 degrees INSIDE my house. 

I made turkey and quinoa stuffed cabbage rolls last night. Sounds gross, right? Wrong. They're delicious. 

On the way home from the pool, Booker was belting out "CHEESE LIKE A RAINBOW" (she's like a rainbow) like a little mini Mick Jagger. I was laughing my butt off. 

My dad is going to bring me back some hobnobs from London. Right, dad? I hear they have orange chocolate ones now. Hint hint. 

Booker is officially potty trained. A little too well in fact. He's been waking up at three a.m. to "go pee pee and make mommy so proud." Sure I'm proud. I'm also really tired and don't really care to hear Elmo say Felicitationes over and over again in the middle of the night. 

And lastly, our passports arrived!!! I may have lost some perks when I gave up my diplomatic passport, but this new one ROCKS because it's going to get me to Cairo and it has my married name on it. 


Suck on that, cancer. You can't ruin my week. 


sherry said...

Did you get the results of the biopsy back yet?

Emily said...

Yay for airconditioner! Yay for pasports!

What's all this cancer talk?! You are worrying me!!

the coltons said...

seriously! you MUST go into more detail!

Spence said...

I MISS hobnobs. Tell your duy that I'll buy a pack from him if he brings extra (like there's any such thing as extra hobnobs).

Margaret Proffitt said...

I should definitely be less cryptic- my mom is coming back to the states after a biopsy in london (hence, the hobnobs) revealed that she has breast cancer.

Kirk said...

I want the recipe for the cabbage quinoa things. Kirk would probably love them.

Anonymous said...

somehow I ended up on Sam's account. last comment was from aunt betsy:>