Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blog Drought

Another month has flown by and we've been quiet on the blog front. I blame germs. Horrible mutating, relentless, nasty germs. It's been a bad winter. In the last few weeks we've had coughs, colds, sinus infections, RSV, 4 infected ears, 8 pink eyes and a very unpleasant 24 hour gastro-intestinal bug. As I type, Clark is passed out upstairs after a feverish night of sweating and chills and sore throat. I'm so sick of being sick. 

Amidst the sickness, we did manage to have a bit of fun in the month of February. At least, that's what my phone pics/videos tell me...

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What sickness looks like to Booker. 

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Playing lots of Wii. It's what "sick boys do" according to Ike. 

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Pink Ike. 

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Riding bikes. Booker finally learned. Or rather, we finally took his training wheels off and told him to figure it out. He did! 

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Looking like Baby Jack-Jack from The Incredibles. 

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Drinking chocolate milk and reading The Economist on a Sunday morning. 

Pink (but happy) Asher. 

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Protecting the neighborhood.

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Making Star Wars treats.

Feeling grateful for health insurance, it's not everyday you save 40 grand. 

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Hanging out with zoo animals... and giant tortoises. 

If it's on my phone, it must have happened. I should get one of those cool, hipster photo apps so my phone photos look chic. I'm on it. 

1 comment:

Callie Proffitt Christiansen said...

Seriously, that kid looks just like jack jack.