Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June Happenings

I've got about 2.5 minutes before Booker and Ike force me out to the pool for an afternoon dip, so here goes, in no particular order, what we've been up to in the month of June...


- Little League Closing Ceremonies. Booker got his long awaited trophy for participating in t-ball this season. He loves that darn trophy more than life itself. When we got home from the ceremonies, he wanted to go straight to bed (no stories, no goodnight kisses) so he could be alone with his precious trophy. No joke. We happily obliged.


- Ike just might be officially potty trained. It's been a long few weeks full of ups and downs, good days and bad ones. It turns out, Ike can make me laugh at anything- even poop. He loves to describe his BM's after he's done. "It's a huge one." "It's a shark one." (?!?!) And my personal favorite, "It's got sprinkles in it." Boys are gross.


- Speaking of Ike, the kid is nearly 3 years old and we only now realized that he's got curly hair. Clark has finally figured out how to style his hair for church, but I haven't. Any tips on how to manage short, wavy hair? I'm perplexed.


- We just finished a session of swim lessons. Booker did great. Ike freaked out the second week and wouldn't get in the water. According to him, he was afraid of lions.



- Speaking of lions, the best way to get Ike to do something is to threaten that you're going to feed him to a lion/shark/spider. We're terrible parents.

- Speaking of terrible parents, Ike cried himself to sleep whilst sitting on time out for refusing to get in the water. It was a bad day for me.


- Speaking of bad days, there's nothing quite like those chubby little heads to turn a bad day into an much better one. I love those guys.


daveandlisa said...

I'm so glad you're on the tail end of potty training. I can honestly say I'm thankful I don't have to do that ever again (if things go as planned). :-)

The Kunzs said...

That video of Ike is hilarious. I, too, am a terrible parent. Olivia overheard us reading the BFG to Jackson one night and ever since then she believes giants. So, we use the giant. If she doesn't do what she's supposed to, the giant's gonna come. Isn't that great? A discipline strategy that is all smoke and mirrors.