Monday, June 22, 2009

MOA on a Rainy Day

Oh, how I love love love going to the BYU Museum of Art. Oh, how I love going to any museum of art, but especially the MOA because I got married there and because it will always remind me of the best job I ever held. It was so much fun to bring Booker there on a rainy afternoon and see some crazy stuff...


like a wall of balloons

or a sculpture of trash bags

or a wall of duck sauce

which apparently did not impress David

The garbage, however, was quite impressive (at least to Yaya). 

and some not so crazy stuff...

like a room full of Minerva Teicherts

and various other works by Minerva. Too bad Ike was taking a nap and couldn't come. He'll have to meet his namesake another time.

And finally, the main reason we went to the MOA- to see an exhibit by Walter Wick, the photographer/author of the I Spy series of children's books. 

By this point, I was politely reminded not to take photos inside the museum. But it was really cool, I promise. There were several photographs of the setups and some of the actual models themselves. Booker loved seeing larger versions of the pages from his books. If you're in Utah valley, I highly recommend checking it out.  

Up next, photos from our Tueller gathering on Sunday...

1 comment:

Julia Mar said...

I'm excited to be down in Provo just for this reason. Thanks for reminding me what a gem the MOA is.