After St. George's, the boys were pretty churched out. We found this Coptic cemetery and wandered around for a little while.

Some of the graves were very well taken care of, with pots, plants and benches brought in.

And others not so well taken care of...

We were pretty hot and sweaty at this point, so we found a cafe and relaxed for a little bit. Booker told me this was "the awesomer part of the whole day." He just wanted a shady place where he could grab his crotch in private.
And just because I
really wanted to torture my kids, we ended the day with a little bit of shopping.

I thought this poster was neat. I think it's a poster of all the saints with the older ones at the top (12 apostles in the top left corner) and the modern day ones at the bottom.

I love cemeteries. I want to go to some here in tucson for fun. Wierd, huh? They are somewhat facinating. I wish when we were in Europe that I would have taken some landscape pictures for hanging in our office or something. This was pre-photography obsession. Your pictures are great. I am sure you can do this with some!
booker cracks me up!
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