I am here to offer you proof. RIDONKULOUSLY CUTE PROOF! And boy, were Lexi and Laney good-natured during this little photo shoot. They hardly shed any tears when I made them crawl through burr-infested grass. It's ridonkulous. (I've got Bolt on the mind, Booker is obsessed with that movie right now).
In other ridonkulous news, I wish I had a teleporter to transport me back home to Tucson before the storm hits Utah this weekend. But I don't, so I guess I'm stuck here in the snow until Monday when I get the results from my genetic screening. So if you're interested in having some family photos taken, holler at me!
Oh and to see the more of this adorable family, click here.
I REALLY want you to take some family photos for us...unfortunately my husband is both incredibly busy and uncooperative. Where could we take photos at night? Daniel usually doesn't get home until about 6:30 PM. Or maybe we could take just some photos of Sadie?
You. Are. Killing me! Could you get any better?! Seriously. Gorge.
This shoot almost makes me want to pack up my family and drive to Utah for a photo shoot in a poky field.
i've been wanting to have pictures taken of maren, but i haven't been able to find a photographer who will take delicious cookies for payment. let me know if your cabin fever gets that bad. :)
Awesome photos, Marg. True you have super cute subject matter. But you are the only one talented enough to take these pics. We are lucky to have you in our family.
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