This is my mom in her natural state... frowning.

This is my mom smiling under pain of death. Just kidding, more like pain of losing my company tonight while we watch The Biggest Loser.
She reminds me of Finis Everglot (Victoria's father in the movie Corpse Bride) in the scene when he meets Victor's parents for the first time. His wife nudges him and he has the most fantastic forced smile ever. In the YouTube clip below, it's about 6 minutes in.

Seriously, mom- CHEER UP! And sorry for comparing you to someone called Finis Everglot, that's not very kind.
You are so funny. I LOVE those pictures of your mom. What a woman!
I hope your mom doesn't read your blog...but I love your honesty! Truly, you would prolly be boring without it;)
I never told you how much this post meant to me. Funny really, but when I saw that post I had to show it to my mom who was just on the phone venting all her frustration, anger, sadness about how my Dad was reacting to chemo etc etc.. And when I sent it to her, it actually made her laugh for the first time (because it remind her of how cranky Dad was being), I think in weeks.
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