Alright high school friends, I may have been the first to start having babies but Carly John was the SECOND. Bet you didn't see that one coming. But I'm sure glad she took the plunge. I thought I liked Carly and Daniel before Sadie, but now that they're parents I'm hoping they'll ask me to move in so I can watch them laugh at/with Sadie all day long.

Naturally, Sadie is already hilarious and spunky and really good at basketball. She told me this is the BYU vs. UVU basketball game the other day. She also told me that I needed to repay her parents for the tickets by taking family photos for them. It was super cold outside so Carly snuck us into the UVU library where she works. I thought it was an awesome location. Sadie, let's do it again in one year- you'll probably be dribbling by then.
Margaret you are SO talented. You really could do it as a profession. Thank you thank you thank you for the pictures!
I have spent the last hour sending Daniel links to the ones I like the best. I think I have sent him links to about half of them. Haha
Now I just have to decide which ones I want to get printed. Have you ever gotten anything printed on canvas at Costco? Last time I was there I noticed they do that.
Margaret these are AWSOME! Soooo talented.
Carly, you guys are a beautiful family! Sadie has some priceless smirks in these.
WAY super cute!! I love them. Can't wait to get ours done!!
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