She was the dressed as the Jungian Archetypal Shadow... obviously.

But even Jungian Shadows get lollipops stuck to their butts.

Clark would have been a cow if I hadn't already packed it up in anticipation of our move- bummer.

Brave Sir Lion Teichert and the Not-so-Brave Sir Booker.

Booker was, in fact, quite brave. He approached each house with GUSTO. It went something like this:
Ding dong.
(Door opens)
Booker screams, "TRICK OR TREAT"
(Treat is dispensed)
And as the night wore on and more candy was consumed, something like this:
Ding dong.
(Door opens)
Booker screams, "HAPPY, uh, TRICK or THANKYOUtreatorHALLOWEEEEEEEEEN!!!!"
(Treat is dispensed)
"Um, thank you!"
Totally fun night. And now to explain to him that it only happens once a year.
More photos.
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