All Abouts 2 cookies = 3 points
Animal Treasures 2 cookies = 5 points
Caramel Delites 2 cookies = 3 points
Chocolate Chip sugar free 3 cookies=3 points
Classic Shortbread 4 cookies = 3 points
Do-Si-Dos 3 cookies = 4 points
Double Dutch 2 cookies = 3 points
Dulce 3 cookies= 5 Points
Lemon Chalet Cremes 3 cookies=4 Points
Lemon Coolers 5 cookies = 3 points
Lemon Pastry Cremes 3 cookies = 3 points
Peanut Butter Patties 2 cookies = 3 points
Peanut Butter Sandwiches 3 cookies = 4 points
Pinatas 2 cookies = 3 points
Samoa’s 2 cookies = 4 points
Tagalongs 2 cookies = 3 points
Thin Mints 4 cookies = 3 points
Trefoils 4 cookies = 3 points
Samoas, here I come...
I thought they were 0 points, because you're supporting a charity!
Thanks for the info, but I'm seriously afraid I would just eat the whole box--that's why I didn't order any this year!
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