I'm pretty sure that every parent in the history of crayons has had one of these moments. Well, we just had our first. It all started with this picture- "a dolphin in a rocket ship" according to Booker. Booker was happily drawing away when I told him he needed to finish up because it was nap time. He wanted to bring his paper and crayons into his room, but I said no. Big mistake.

Well, fast forward two hours and this is what I find. Who knows where he got the crayon (stashed away in his pocket?) All I know is that now Booker's wall is covered in dolphins, rocket ships, dolphins riding in rocket ships...

Did the magic erasers work well? Growing up my mom would make us use white toothpaste (not gel). It worked really well. Thought you'd like to know just in case you're in a pinch w/o the help of Mr. Clean.
Oh my gosh! I know that this stuff happens, but Booker did quite a number! How lucky you are to have such an artisticly expressive young man! Holy crap!
is this a rite of passage or what?
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