With summer in full swing, we've had our fair share of playing with neighbors and keeping cool in the heat. We've been frequenting the mall playgrounds and the dollar movies where someone else pays for our air-conditioning. Here's what we've been up to...
We tearfully said goodbye to dear friends.
I drowned my sorrows with some Star Wars sugar cookies. I must have been depressed, because I never bake.
We bought a new car.
It's a diesel engine, so great gas mileage without the obviousness of a hybrid- we wouldn't want people to think we actually care about the environment.
My brother and his wife drove down from Utah to hang out for a few days.
We introduced them to the desert.
It had some weird side effects...
David engineered the ultimate water armor... or was he just worried about getting sun-burned?
And just as quickly as they came, they were gone again.
We LOVE having visitors, especially when one of those visitors is Yaya.

I totally want those sweet cookie cutters and love your hair in that last picture with yaya. How's Fergus doing? We still have his shock collar and food dishes.
I probably picked the wrong day to read this! I miss you so much and am still in denial that you are no longer just steps away. Come visit me, I promise, you won't be disappointed! Congrats on the new car. It's gorgeous! I'm glad you were able to have some visitors too!
Depression huh. I starting baking/cooking things from scratch when we moved to PV. It's all starting to make sense now! :)
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