Marie- My older sister, more commonly known as Aunt Rie Rie. She lives in Arizona but I won't tell you where, you might try and stalk her (yes, she's that cool.) She came here by accident. Actually, she came here to get sober. She went to the same treatment center as Heather Locklear and Oprah. But she's way hotter than Heather Locklear and way cooler than Oprah (who wanted to get sober from over-eating and not drugs & alcohol.) I won't tell you much about that because that's a story you ought to hear from her. It's a good one with a happy ending. Ask her sometime, she'll tell you. She might even invite you to come to an AA meeting with her and if you do go, be prepared to be mobbed by her adoring fans. She has huge fan club all over the world. Her latest adoring fan? This tiny growing fetus...

This fetus loves my sister because she fought long and hard to make both her body and mind strong and clean. I love my sister too. Did I mention that she has a Master's degree in psychology and really good taste in music? Seriously, don't try and stalk her. She took a self-defense class last year.
David- My oldest younger brother, more commonly known as Yaya's Husband. David has made lots of really smart decisions in his life. He decided to serve a mission for his church in Nashville, TN. He decided to study Computer Engineering at my alma mater. But his best decision ever was to marry Yaya. I used to say that David was my favorite brother, but now Yaya is my favorite so I'm not sure what to say. Maybe I should stop with the favorites.

When David was younger, my mom thought he was learning disabled (she also thought Danny had rabies and I was going to be dyslexic because I went to an Arabic preschool. Let's just say, her instincts were never quite right.) David was just a quiet kid. It's pretty clear to us now that he is quite intelligent. He's learning Japanese for goodness sake so their kids can be bilingual. Plus, there's no way Yaya would settle for someone who isn't as smart as her.
Daniel- My middle younger brother, also known as the one I don't like to talk much about because it kinda hurts. Danny turned 18 one week ago. I didn't do a birthday tribute like last year because like I said, it kinda hurts. Danny has graduated from a youth program to a young adult program where he has little bit more freedom. He's interested in music and wants to put out an album. A few weeks ago, he asked me to come up with some album art. He described in detail what he wanted and this is what I came up with...

But being the lame older sister that I am, I sent him two images and told him he ought to consider this one instead...

Despite his dark exterior, Danny has a big heart and a good sense of humor. I love him immensely.
Christian- My youngest brother, also known as the baby of the family. Although he's no baby. He's endured a lot being the last one out of the nest but he's pretty well adjusted. He's my favorite. Not my favorite brother, just my favorite human being. Chris makes friends wherever he is, whether it's Cairo, Egypt (where he currently lives) or Provo, Utah (where he spent a year living with my mom while my dad was in Baghdad.) He's a global social butterfly. Want proof?

This is a random photo I stole from Chris' facebook profile from his trip to the Philippines last week. It's pretty typical of Chris- he's a ladies' man, he's a man's man. He's everybody's man because he's easy going, he's kind and he's the type of guy you want to call your friend. He'll give you the shirt off your back. He probably did in this photo. He was in the Philippines working at an orphanage. There's probably a little Filipino orphan walking around with my brother's shirt on and feeling super cool for having known Chris. For awhile there, Chris and I had a little competition going to see who could get the most facebook friends. He's blown me out of the water. In fact, if you're still reading at this point, you should facebook friend him. He'd love that. I don't care who you are, just tell him Margaret sent you.
Such a cute and nice post. It was fun to get to know your siblings a little more. And I loved your idea of album art for your brother. :)
The description of Christian could also be a description of you, Margaret (but you are a man's woman/woman's woman). If you add Danny's sense of humor and Marie's good taste in music that's you to a "T".
Thank you Margaret. I love my brother's children.
That was such a great post! I loved learning more about your siblings. You are a lucky girl to be part of such a cool family. I have to say though, they are pretty darn lucky to have you. You are amazing!
Funny thing is I did give one of the street Kids we were working with one of the tye-dye T-shirt we made. Also the whole trip consisted of 14 Girls, me, and my friend Alasdair. And that was it.
Yes... i would love to hear more about Marie's amazing story. Tell her to start up a blog and get on that. Stat.
Best blog ever. Man, we're awesome.
Wow, yes, we are so blessed to have you as a sister. You just make our days bright!! We love you and your album design for Danny.
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