Margaret has been giving me crap for not blogging for a while. THIS gives me a good excuse. That is the law blog (or "Blawg" - see... we're clever) set up by a group of employment lawyers to go over the Office and list potential causes of action against Dunder Mifflin and what they would likely be worth. The blawg is run by lawyers at Ford and Harrison, an employment law firm.
I think this is genius. Lawyers and law firms are always looking for a way to differentiate themselves among the crowd of big shot lawyers. Every lawyer I know who is at all computer literate subscribes to at least one blawg in their area of expertise to keep them up to date on new developments in the area. Most big firms have some sort of online presence, and several blawgs have been cited in law review articles and even in case decisions. The "That's what she said" blawg seems like the perfect way to suck in anyone who is even peripherally interested in employment law, or if they just like the office and think the actual lawsuits that could come out of it would be interesting. If those people then have a possible employment law issue, they'll go straight to the "law" site that they are familiar with. THAT is how you do marketing on the internet.
Hayes Soloway has recently been updating the ol' website and it's been a minor nightmare for a variety of reasons (Our current, awful website is here. The new one should be up soon. We hope.) It would be nice if we could spiff it up a bit. So, what do you think readers? How can an IP firm's web site make a mark on the web?
I wouldn't call the current Hayes Soloway site "aweful". It's static and thus not glitzy, but it's servicable and certainly not a design disaster that many older sites are.
As for an IP firm making a mark on the web, that's a tough call. Much of the weberati are openly anti-IP. If you want to make a mark, look to leverage that tendency (by either looking for ways to support it or undermine it). Tweak the slashdot crowd, have a sense of humor, and develop a schedule for updates that is at least weekly.
RE: A copyright is a right owned by every author of an original work that is fixed in a tangible medium of expression to exclude others from doing any of the following five activities in connection with a copyrighted work: reproduction; adaptation; distribution to the public; performance in public; or display in public.
Wow! Are you trying to attract clients? If so, then write in such a way that they can understand you.
". . . fixed in a tangible medium of expression . . . " isn't English; it's Legalese.
I think they ought to list "Clark Proffitt" under the Attorneys.
I think you should quit blogging again, it took me reading the word "blawg" 4 times to realize it was a play on the word "law" in there. Yikes.
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